How is Your Swim Pacing & Control?
Zone Based Training for Swimming Zone based training is commonly used among triathletes for cycling and running. At RTA Triathlon, we establish and re-establish training zones for swim, bike and run for all of the triathletes we coach on a regular basis. Triathletes (or their coach) can establish swim zones by finding the athlete’s T-Pace. T-Pace is the swimming equivalent of a LTHR test for running or an FTP test for cycling. There are a variety of ways to test and establish an athlete’s T-Pace. Often time, it depends on the athletes experience, fitness level and distance they’re training for. We will dive into T-Pace more, including how to find yours in a separate article. Unlike cycling and running, it’s tough to know just how fast you are moving through the water as you swim. Of course, you can see your split once you hit the wall, but at that point it may be a little late. This is why it’s very important to establish pacing control. Whether you know your T-Pace or not it’s very important to learn how to control your swim pace. In other words (and very simply stated), learning how to swim at an EASY, MEDIUM & HARD pace. Go By Feel As mentioned above, because it’s very difficult to know exactly how fast you’re swimming WHEN your swimming, it’s important to learn how to swim by feel. Learning this skill, will allow you to be able to follow the specifics of various workouts (in order to increase your swim fitness) and more importantly dial in the correct pacing for the distance (and conditions) on race day. If you were to take your splits for your EASY, MEDIUM and HARD pace there should be a noticeable time difference between them. Once you establish your T-Pace and subsequent swimming zones you will have an actual time target for each pace. But until then it’s important to learn how to swim at and control at least 3 distance paces. Below you will find a few sets to help you become better at swimming as it relates to control and pacing Swim Sets to Practice
3 x 50 Descending (:10) done as EASY, Medium, HARD AND / OR 3 x 100 Descending (:10) done as EASY, Medium, HARD Goal:
BUILD – this means the goal is to increase your speed within the single swim distance (i.e. start your 200 slow and finish FAST) Examples: 50 Build, 100 Build, 200 Build, 300 Build, 500 Build Goal: pick a distance and increase your swim speed within that distance, starting slow and finishing fast Negative Split – Second half is swum faster than the first half Example: 1 x 200 Goal: the second 100 should be swum faster than the first 100 Note:
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September 2024