When it’s ❄️COLD & SNOWY❄️ outside, turn up the 🔥HEAT🔥 inside on the treadmill. The treadmill is an EXCELLENT TOOL for triathletes and runners to work on good form AND to help execute specific workouts. We especially find the treadmill useful for “HILL” REPEATS. Hill repeats help develop sport specific strength for running. They make you stronger and faster for when it counts. Needless to say, with the treadmill, you can dial in the “hill’s” steepness (incline) and duration of the hill as well as your recovery. If you haven’t run hills lately, here’s a good place to start: Warm up 10 minutes Week 1 –> Main Set: ALL done at top end of z1 pace 8 x (2:00 up hill or @ 4% grade/2:00 recovery jog down or 1%) Cool down 10 minutes easy jog -- The following week, your MAIN SET may change to this: Week 2 –> Main Set: ALL done at top end of z1 pace 6 x (3:00 up hill or @ 4% grade/3:00 recovery jog down or 1%) -- THEN… this: Week 3 –> Main Set: ALL done at top end of z1 pace 8 x (2:30 up hill or @ 6% grade/2:30 recovery jog down or 1%) -- Over time (as you started to see in the example above), you can increase the duration (or the hill), decrease recovery and increase the incline. Each of these are different variables that will make the workout more difficult and create more stress. It is typically NOT very smart to change ALL of these variables at the same time. Comments are closed.
January 2025